Addiction Treatment Services

Addiction Treatment Services

We understand that making the decision to seek addiction treatment can be a tough one. First, you have to be willing to admit that there’s a problem. Then, you have to begin the search for a treatment center that fulfills your needs. Getting started is sometimes the hardest part, but the more that you understand about how the addiction treatment process works, the more prepared you’ll be to jump in with both feet.

Residential Addiction Treatment

Residential Addiction Treatment
People often try to start their rehab experience in an outpatient center or through 12-step programs. While these types of programs can be useful later down the road, those who are just starting treatment generally need to start in a residential program. Living on-site at a rehab facility gives guests more accountability and structure than they’d have continuing to live at home.

What many don’t realize is that triggers are everywhere. People, places, and even familiar scents can trigger the need to use. Without the proper accountability and strict structure, individuals in early recovery often relapse. Residential treatment gives people who are serious about recovery a place to focus strictly on staying sober. In fact, at Silver Pines Treatment Center, we also separate men and women during treatment, reducing societal pressures during inpatient rehab.

Addictions Treated

At Silver Pines Treatment Center, we take pride in our commitment to addiction treatment recovery. As part of that pride we strive to help our guests recover from a number of substance abuse addictions, such as:

Evidence-Based Therapy

Another important component of addiction treatment is evidence-based therapy. There are a variety of these types of therapies, but for addiction treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is often the most effective. In addition to CBT, trauma therapy is useful for guests who have a history of trauma in their lives. Often, trauma contributes heavily to the development of addiction. Addressing trauma helps many individuals get to the root of their addiction problems.

Another common reason for addiction is mental illness. Because of this, we offer dual diagnosis treatment. By treating both the addiction as well as any underlying mental illness, clients are able to more easily find clarity as to the reasons they were drawn to substance abuse in the first place.

Holistic Treatment Methods

Along with evidence-based therapy, holistic treatment is an excellent source of addiction treatment. Some of the holistic treatment methods that we use at Silver Pines Treatment Center include:

Addiction is a complex disease, and the most effective treatment addresses the mind, body, and spirit. Holistic therapy helps guests address the physical, spiritual and emotional ramifications of addiction. Additionally, we strongly encourage good nutrition, focusing on whole foods. Addiction often takes its toll on the body. A healthy diet can help clients get stronger and begin to feel good again.

Addiction Treatment at Silver Pines Treatment Center

At Silver Pines Treatment Center, our homey and comfortable atmosphere is the ideal place to seek addiction treatment. Here, you’ll be able to enjoy natural surroundings while focusing on your recovery goals through a qualified treatment program. Call 267.209.7313 today to begin on your path to health and happiness.

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