
Alcohol Detox Symptoms

Alcohol Detox Symptoms

If you have suffered from alcohol addiction for several weeks, months, or years, you may have developed a dependency on drinking. Therefore, if you try to quit, you will experience alcohol detox symptoms. These symptoms can range from moderate to severe. In some cases, alcohol detox symptoms will cause a significant amount of discomfort and last for several days. Alcoholism treatment in Mahanoy City PA is available if you are ready to quit drinking but are unable to do so on your own. A treatment center provides a safe environment where a specialist can monitor and help you as you are going through your symptoms of alcohol detox. We are here to help you overcome your addiction to alcohol.

man experiencing alcohol detox symptoms

What Causes Alcohol Detox Symptoms?

Alcohol is largely a depressant. It slows down your brain function and alters neurotransmitter function between your nerves and your brain. The more you drink, the more alcohol your body needs to get drunk. As a result, you may increase your intake, as well as the frequency of your drinks over a period.

Pretty soon, your brain will crave more alcohol. Eventually, you will form a dependency.  This is both a biological and a psychological craving. Once you decide to quit drinking, your body will go through a detox period as it readjusts to not having alcohol.

This causes a wide range of symptoms. Some of these symptoms are mild. Others are several. Occasionally, they can be life-threatening.

What Are the Symptoms of Alcohol Detox?

The most common alcohol detox symptoms include:

  • Anxiety, fear, or deep depression
  • Sweating and shaky hands
  • The inability to sleep
  • Severe headaches that will not go away
  • Nausea and vomiting

Some of the most severe symptoms may include disorientation, increased heart rate, high blood pressure, high fever, and heavy sweating. While these symptoms may seem unbearable, you can get through them with professional help. Alcoholism treatment in Mahanoy City, PA is available if you need to enter detox.

Treatment for Alcoholism

Once you complete your detox program, there will be options available for long-term treatment, including:

A treatment specialist can meet with you once you get out of detox, and your alcohol detox symptoms finally go away. Your therapist can help you determine what type of treatment is best for you based on your situation and your needs.

Get Help for Alcoholism Today

Although alcohol detox symptoms are difficult to overcome, you have the ability to get through them and start your recovery. A licensed therapist from Silver Pines Treatment Center can help you through every stage of your treatment. To find out more, call us at [Direct]. We can help you break the cycle of addiction.
Overcome your addiction today with the help of one of the best addiction rehab centers in the U.S. We are in-network with most major insurance companies.

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