Addictive Personality Traits

Addictive Personality Traits

Have you been told that you have an addictive personality? You are not the only one. Millions of people every day are told that they have an addictive personality. The truth is, however, that there really is no such thing as an addictive personality. However, there are addictive personality traits that are common in people who suffer from alcohol or drug addiction. When therapists assess an individual to determine which addiction treatment plans in Mahanoy City PA are right for them, they may base it on specific traits, not on a given “personality.” Below, we look at the difference and what traits to look for in substance abuse.

Common Addictive Personality Traits

There are several traits that therapists can recognize in people who are at a higher risk of becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol. These are people who cannot drink moderately, but, instead, use alcohol to excess. Some personality traits may include:
woman sitting next to a man with her hands in the air explaining her addictive personality traits
  • Have family members who are addicted to drugs or alcohol
  • Experience mental health disorders that are triggering the addiction
  • Love to go on adventures or take risks — many times unnecessary risks
  • Disconnect from others and cautious of people’s actions or intent
  • Obsessive and compulsive on numerous levels and unable to self regulate (i.e., snap out of depression or come down from hyperactivity)
  • Doesn’t seem to care about anything or anyone — apathetic

Treatment for Those with Addictive Personality Traits

For those who have addictive personality traits, it may be challenging to become aware of their thoughts or behavior because it is a natural extension of who they are. Once a person understands how their traits affect their thoughts and actions, they may be willing to undergo treatment for their addiction or mental condition. There is a wide range of treatment plans for those who have addictive personality traits and are currently suffering from some type of dependency. For example, at Silver Pines Treatment Center, we offer the following types of therapy and treatment:

If you are suffering from an addiction and find that you are unable to quit your substance abuse, it may be because you carry some traits associated with an addictive personality. A therapist can meet with you to discuss some signs of these traits and how they are affecting your life. You can start to understand why you think or act the way you do and find out what options are available to you for treatment. You may need a multi-treatment program with a more holistic approach for recovery.

Contact Silver Pines Treatment Center Today

If you are suffering from an alcohol or drug addiction and don’t know where to turn, then we are are here to help. Silver Pines Treatment Center offers substance abuse treatment programs to help you with your addictive personality traits. To find out more about our services, call us today at 267.209.7313. We are here to help you lead a happier, healthier life free from dependency.
Overcome your addiction today with the help of one of the best addiction rehab centers in the U.S. We are in-network with most major insurance companies.
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