Recreational Therapy Benefits
During Rehab
Benefits During Rehab
Good-quality rehab facilities now incorporate recreational therapy into their programs. Experts point to the fact that drug addiction reaches beyond psychological and physiological aspects. In fact, it quickly takes over leisure time and recreational activities.

What Recreational Therapy Accomplishes
Drug addiction takes up a lot of time. For example, you spend it chasing the next fix, using, and recovering from the effects. This takes up a big chunk of your day. Now, however, you’ve decided that it’s time to quit using.
When talking with people overcoming substance abuse, they typically mention that boredom creates a relapse danger. Therefore, recreational therapy helps you find joy in sobriety.
It’s a small step from feeling bored to going out and reconnecting with old haunts, your dealer, and the habit. This is where recreational therapy makes a difference. It gives you opportunities for developing new hobbies, friends, healthy habits, and fun activities that you don’t associate with drugs. Furthermore, you also learn new stress management and relaxation skills.
Possible Recreational Activities
Rehab centers typically base their recreational activities on the areas that surround them. For example, facilities in wooded areas may include hiking, fishing, zip-lining, and ropes courses. These activities involve peers to varying degrees. After all, fishing is something that allows for companionable silence.
Ropes courses, on the other hand, are quintessential team-building exercises. Moreover, you’ll feel comfortable spending time outdoors and interacting with others. You push yourself, but not so much that you’re uncomfortable.
Of course, recreation doesn’t just take place outdoors. You might spend time journaling, participating in art, cooking, and enjoying board games with peers. In addition, facilities may have gardening opportunities or work around the center.
During the process, you learn new skills. In the long run, they prove to be invaluable when returning to independent living. Therefore, you fill skills gaps that contribute to triggers. Now, you’re more confident when going about daily life.
Part of the Bigger Residential Rehab Picture
To immerse yourself in the therapeutic atmosphere of the facility, choose a residential rehab model. Doing so allows you to live at the center and participate in recreation, as well as other treatments. For example, other modalities include:
- Mens and womens addiction recovery
- One-on-one psychotherapy
- Group therapy
- Nutritional guidance
- Holistic care
In fact, a holistic approach is a vital aspect of many addiction treatment programs. Alongside behavioral therapy, it plays a pivotal role in disarming triggers. At the same time, it can combine with recreational activities, too. For example, many program participants first learn to do yoga in rehab.
They never got around to it before. Some didn’t think that it would do much for them. After they spend some time doing yoga and exploring its benefits, they continue with it as a hobby after discharge. The same is true for meditation and mindfulness training.
How to Get Help for Your Addiction
Reach out for help to a rehab facility with a caring staff. In fact, the Silver Pines Treatment Center is here for you. You will undergo a variety of therapeutic approaches, including recreational therapy. Call 267.209.7313 today to schedule an intake interview.