Addiction Treatment Therapy

The Importance of Therapy in Addiction Treatment
Taking the first step to seek treatment is a huge achievement. Therapy is a follow-up means in the next step of learning how to stay sober.
Not only does addiction cause damage to the body, it also creates a chemical imbalance in the brain that changes how people act and think. Their behaviors and thoughts become negative and self-defeating. With therapy, individuals can begin the process to adopt positive behaviors and thoughts to their everyday life.
The chemical imbalance also alters how the brain functions. After prolonged drug use, people’s bodies crave and need the drugs. In therapy, individuals learn how to control and cope with these cravings to avoid relapse.
Addiction Treatment Therapy Types
Everyone has different needs when they begin recovery. The specific drug that they used and how long they used it are just the base of the way that addictions can vary. The best addiction treatment centers use several addiction therapy approaches and customize treatment plans based on those needs.
One-on-One Therapy
One-on-one therapy also known as individual therapy is an integral part of the rehabilitation process. It helps individuals identify the underlying cause of addiction. Therapists and clients develop trust so that the clients can be honest about their experiences, feelings, and thoughts. During one-on-one therapy sessions, the individual can take risks while feeling safe and not judged. The individual is provided with objective, unbiased feedback and coping skills to manage addiction.
Group Therapy
To provide the emotional support that people need in rehab, we also utilize group therapy. During these sessions, therapists guide a group of clients through discussions and sharing. This method shows clients that they all have similar experiences, feelings, and thoughts. Group therapy also allows clients to connect with others to form supportive bonds.
Family Therapy
One in four families is affected by addiction and often blame themselves for the destructive nature of addiction. At Silver Pines Treatment Center, we believe that family therapy assists significant others, parents, and siblings in getting involved in their loved one’s addiction treatment. It’s important for clients to have support when they exit rehab. Family members can’t do this if they don’t understand addiction. Family therapists provide resources needed to learn about addiction, family roles, communication, and emotions.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
In CBT, therapists and clients pinpoint the negative behaviors and thoughts that promote their addiction. Then, clients work to correct these negative aspects. Clients also learn how to identify risky situations and develop skills to prevent relapse.
Contingency Management Therapy (CMT)
In CMT, therapists provide clients with incentives or rewards. This conditioning therapy reinforces positive behaviors that clients display.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
Therapists most commonly use DBT for clients who have mental disorders co-occurring with addiction. Its core principles are to improve clients’ coping skills, communication skills, and help build confidence. DBT also helps them change their behaviors and surroundings to avoid relapse.
Holistic Therapy
Research shows that a holistic approach is a very effective treatment. At Silver Pines Treatment Center we believe that in order to repair the damage that is done, clients also must mend their minds and spirits. Holistic Therapy assists in bringing the body, mind, and spirit into alignment. Focusing on overall well-being, symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and stress can be treated by aromatherapy, yoga therapy, meditation and nature.
Silver Pines Treatment Center Offers Various Therapies for Addiction
If you or someone that you know have an addiction, Silver Pines Treatment Center can provide quality addiction therapy. We offer a home-like environment for all of our residential clients.
Our therapists create custom programs for every client based on his or her needs. These programs combine therapies such as one-on-one, group and family therapies. We also offer holistic forms of treatment, including:
- Exercise
- Outdoor activities
- Yoga
Regain control over your life. Fight addiction with help from Silver Pines Treatment Center. Call 267.209.7313 now for more information about our residential program.