Addiction Intervention

Addiction Intervention

Staging an addiction intervention is a familiar plot twist in soap operas. But did you know that it’s possible to do so in real life? Obviously, there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about a potentially sensitive issue. What do you need to know about an intervention when a loved one’s health and life are at stake?
addiction intervention

Constructive Expressions of Care vs. Emotional Outbursts and Empty Threats

Oftentimes, Loved ones can see an addiction problem more clearly than the person who deals with the substance abuse issue. An addiction intervention makes it possible for loved ones to communicate with someone struggling with a drug problem. However, there’s a fine line between an emotional confrontation and a constructive meeting that clears the air.

Typically, an intervention takes places after a one-on-one conversation fails to yield results. For an intervention, you need to gather a group of people who care about the person. It gets the point across that there’s an available support network. Often, the person leading the meeting will get professional help from a counselor to ensure that emotions don’t take over.

What to Do Before Scheduling an Addiction Intervention

Know what to look for. Usually, people plan to intervene when drug use becomes so apparent that it’s impossible to explain away. Becoming aware of financial and legal troubles is another reason. However, the deterioration in a loved one’s health makes the success of the process even more urgent.

It makes sense to talk with someone at a rehab facility first. Doing so helps you to understand the process of recovery as well as the disease model of addiction. For example, several types of addiction treatment therapy can be instrumental in helping your loved one break the chemical dependency. They include:

  • Holistic treatment focuses on the mind and spirit, which require healing alongside the body
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy that helps program participants to recognize negative patterns in thoughts and actions
  • Talk therapy, which delivers the various evidence-based treatments during a stay at a rehab facility
  • Family therapy, which is a crucial aspect of healing relationships and re-establishing communication as needed
  • Gender-specific treatment programs that build on the strengths of participants and help them get well
With information in hand, you can now share the details with the individuals who will help you. Everyone needs to be on the same page. Otherwise, the intervention may devolve into a group session that leaves your loved one on the defense. Many people typically rehearse what to say and how to present it.

Have You Been the Subject of an Addiction Intervention?

Maybe you were the person in the proverbial hot seat. Loved ones sat you down and told you what you already knew to be true. They may have given you information on a rehab facility and told you how to get help. It’s up to you to seek out the help from there. Scheduling the intervention took a lot of courage. Your friends or family members knew that you might not respond well to their concerns. However, because they care and want to be part of your support network, they put themselves out there. The least you can do is get more information. Find out how a rehab facility could serve you today. For example, a residential program allows you to live at the facility and makes it possible to get away from stressors. It’s an excellent way to heal on multiple levels. Don’t allow addiction to rob you of another day of your life. The friendly therapists at the Silver Pines Treatment Center want to help. Call 267.209.7313 now for immediate assistance.
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