Cocaine Addiction Rehab
Using cocaine boosts dopamine in your brain. This means you feel a “high,” pleasant feelings of euphoria. Cocaine addiction happens quickly and quietly, making it hard to live your life without the drug. This is why, when you want the life you deserve, you need cocaine addiction rehab treatment for a chance of lasting recovery.
Risks of Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine abuse involves smoking, snorting or injecting the drug. Taking cocaine causes many problems, both short-term and long-term. The drug brings a greater chance of mental illness, physical diseases, and death. With all of these risks of cocaine, the drug is never worth the brief pleasure it provides.
Along with its brief high, cocaine causes agitation, reduced inhibition, hyperactivity, cold-like symptoms, nosebleeds, muscle tics, low concentration, poor focus and other problems. Some of the more serious problems of cocaine addiction include:
Heart Muscle Damage
Cocaine causes heart muscle damage for many people using the drug. This happens through cell death in heart muscles. Injecting cocaine leads to inflammation of your heart’s inner tissues, too. These effects cause heart attack, irregular heartbeat and other fatal problems.
Some other heart effects of cocaine abuse include heart muscle inflammation, ruptured aorta, poor cardiac function and blood loss. Heart failure as a result of cocaine use increases the risk of stroke and brain damage, as well.
Brain Changes
Cocaine abuse changes your brain chemistry. This is why you need more and more cocaine to feel the same effects. It’s also why you start behaving differently than before you ever used the drug. Behavior changes from cocaine include erratic behavior leading to accidents, psychosis and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Even people who use cocaine but aren’t addicted to it often exhibit behavioral changes. These include not being able to control behavior, movements or reactions. Additionally, the way users think changes, along with their ability to pay attention and make decisions.
Infectious Diseases
Bloodborne infections are common in people using cocaine. HIV and hepatitis C are two examples of these diseases. The risk stems from injecting cocaine without using sterile needles.
Cocaine Addiction Treatment Methods
The treatment you receive for your drug addiction relies upon the quality of the facility you enter. You need help through a variety of methods. Most methods that rehabs use fall under the category of addiction treatment therapies. Therapy is your key to getting through rehab and staying strong in long-term recovery.
Therapies examine why you started abusing drugs and how you developed an addiction in the first place. These sessions also cover how you can stay sober, avoid relapse and cope with triggers and temptations. If you have a co-occurring condition under a dual diagnosis, therapy treats that mental illness, too.
Research shows that therapy is one of the most important methods of treating drug addiction. The therapy that the facility will use for your recovery includes a mix of individual counseling, group therapy, family therapy and holistic therapies.
Not everyone reacts the same way to therapy. Because of this, one therapy will be more productive for you than for someone else, just as the opposite is true of other types of therapy.
Pennsylvania Treatment for Cocaine Addiction
Silver Pines Treatment Center near Hazleton and Scranton, Pennsylvania treats drug addiction. Our Cocaine Addiction Rehab provides on-site detox and residential drug treatment in its secluded, wooded location. Therapies include:
- Trauma therapy
- Dual Diagnosis Treatment
- Holistic therapies for recovery of body, mind, and spirit
- Family program
If you or someone you love suffer addiction to cocaine, you can regain control over your life. Silver Pines Treatment Center provides cocaine detox and rehab. Call Silver Pines at 267.209.7313 for more information about our addiction treatment programs and to start your path to recovery today.
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