
Whit’s Journey to Recovery: From Darkness to Sobriety at Silver Pines

Whit’s Journey to Recovery: From Darkness to Sobriety at Silver Pines

A selfie of Whit smiling at the camera, he has a shaved head with a goatee, and wearing a plaid shirt.

At the beginning of 2022, Whit was at the lowest point of his life. He was eight years into a relapse, following 14 years of sobriety.

He used drugs and alcohol daily and it took up all of his free time. Emotionally, he knew he couldn’t continue living the way he was. At the same time, he couldn’t picture life without drugs and alcohol. It was a very lonely and dark place to be. He was depressed. His physical health was deteriorating. He was overweight. His blood pressure was out of control.

A Life Unraveling

Whit missed multiple days of work at a time. He called in sick on many Monday mornings, following weekends spent using and drinking. Hungover and depressed, he couldn’t face life once the new week arrived. It took a toll on him and his job performance. Some weeks he wouldn’t go to work at all. He lied about being sick. His thoughts followed the lines of, “As long as I earned the time off, what can my employer do to me?” 

Whit’s pattern was very predictable. Before substances took over his life, he spent his time off work traveling to see family and friends. As his drinking and drug use increased and his depression deepened, though, he spent more and more of his time off from work at home by himself. Alcohol and drugs now took priority over Whit’s relationships. He made excuses for everything. He missed family functions, friends’ weddings, and loved ones’ funerals. 

The Turning Point – Seeking Treatment

All of these things led him to seek treatment at Silver Pines. He was scared and had no confidence, but he knew he needed professional help to heal. He got sober previously in 1999, so he had some knowledge of what was ahead of him. Still, he felt his odds of recovery were slim this time. He hoped Silver Pines could provide him with the start he needed.

Following a professional drug and alcohol evaluation in his hometown, Whit received a brochure for Silver Pines and called immediately. As he told us, “A professional, friendly voice welcomed my call, reassured my nerves, and told me that I could enter treatment that day. They even offered transportation if I needed it. The admissions process was quick and easy. Honestly, though, for me, it was too much too fast.”

The Gift of a New Start to Sobriety and Freedom

Whit ended up entering Silver Pines two days later with a more open mind and the support of his boss, family, and friends. He was grateful to notice that everyone at Silver Pines treated him with professionalism and kindness from the beginning of his time there and throughout the entirety of his stay. He found a loving and caring environment. It proved itself to be a safe place to deal with what was the lowest point of his life. He found people who had been through what I was going through.

Silver Pines offered both group and individual therapy as part of Whit’s individualized treatment program. He learned about emotional trauma. He took part in art and music therapy. These were only some of the things he never thought could help him that made an incredible difference in his life. White told us, “By keeping an open mind, and doing what was suggested to me by the counselors at Silver Pines, I found myself gifted a new start. A start to sobriety and freedom.”

Staying Connected – A Supportive Alumni Network

In particular, Whit also appreciates that you are not forgotten even as an alumnus of Silver Pines. He pointed out that each client has the opportunity to stay in touch with other alumni and the Silver Pines alumni coordinator via twice-weekly Zoom meetings. No matter whether they have thirty days sober or three years sober, every client is welcome. Whit expressed that it helps to hear about other clients’ victories and struggles as everyone strives to live happy and healthy lives.

A Grateful Journey to Healing

As Whit told us, “I will forever be grateful for what was provided to me by Silver Pines. I would recommend Silver Pines to anyone needing a place to get back on their feet, and start the journey to a healthy and happy life!”

Do you or a loved one need help overcoming alcohol or drug addiction? Embark on your own journey of healing and sobriety. Explore the transformative experience at Silver Pines that Whit shares. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier life today. Call us at 267-719-8689 or submit an online contact form to speak with an admissions specialist today.

Overcome your addiction today with the help of one of the best addiction rehab centers in the U.S. We are in-network with most major insurance companies.

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