
Codependency Explained

Codependency Explained

Overcoming a substance abuse problem is difficult, no matter the circumstances. However, dealing with addiction when there’s codependency makes the process harder. That said, it’s possible to overcome this situation. Here’s what you need to know when dealing with a co-dependent relationship.

Understanding the Nature of Codependency

Nobody is born as a codependent individual. Instead, the behavior is something that you learn as a child. It typically starts out as a coping mechanism in a one-sided, unhealthy relationship. For example, the presence of abuse, addiction, and illness may give rise to this behavior.

As a child, you may have seen a parent or sibling exhibit codependent behaviors. He or she likely ignored harmful actions, didn’t confront abuse, and refused to talk about problems in the home. People cater to the offending individual rather than insisting this person deals with an addiction or problem. As a result, you learn to blame yourself for some of the difficulties, and your self-esteem takes a nosedive.


Therapy Makes it Possible to Overcome Codependency

If you’re struggling with addiction, having a codependent spouse makes recovery more difficult. They likely try to cover up for you and keep a status quo. Change is scary, and they likely prefer to take care of you while you’re using rather than relearn how to relate to you sober. Conversely, you may be the person with the codependent mindset. Specifically, if you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, and stress. To handle the situation at home, you may use substances to self-medicate. However, it’s not working for you and it’s making you more vulnerable to sexual, physical, and mental abuse. The good news is, help is available, no matter which side of the equation you’re on. Cognitive behavioral therapy, also known as cognitive behavioral therapy, offers a lot of promise. During this treatment, you evaluate behaviors and thoughts for self-defeating tendencies. A therapist then helps you develop the tools you need to make changes.

Placing Psychotherapy in the Framework of Recovery

Of course, you don’t just undergo cognitive behavioral therapy to deal with addiction and codependent relationships. In fact, this treatment is only one aspect of a comprehensive mix of addiction treatment programs to help you overcome substance abuse. Examples of other modalities include:

Reach out for help today at our unique Pennsylvania facility. The caring therapists at Silver Pines Treatment Center want to collaborate with you to overcome your challenges in addiction. The homelike setting of the facility combines with the expertise of our professionals to help you heal. Call 267.209.7313 today to learn more about our programs and addiction treatment therapy options.

Overcome your addiction today with the help of one of the best addiction rehab centers in the U.S. We are in-network with most major insurance companies.

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