Crack Addiction Rehab in PA

What Makes Crack Addictive?
In a word, it’s the speed of the high. Specifically, traditional cocaine use delivers a powerful high that takes a little longer to reach. Cocaine addiction rehab considers this process when devising a treatment protocol. With crack use, the high may be shorter, but it’s far more intense and quick.
Because you come down so quickly, you want to experience it again almost immediately. Therefore, as you repeat the process, dopamine levels in the brain increase. The action brings an immediate reward. However, an addiction to this process happens rapidly.
As you continue to binge, your body builds up a tolerance to the drug. Moreover, you increase the amount of crack you smoke as well as the frequency. Now, you’re almost oblivious to the downside of the crack abuse. You’re chasing the high and little else matters.
Crack Addiction Rehab in PA Lets You Break out of the Vicious Cycle
What Should You Expect from Detox?
The first step to healing is detoxification. In fact, look for a center that offers detox and rehab at the same location to prevent a relapse. While you’re withdrawing from the drug, your dopamine levels tank. You sink into a deep depression and feel irritable.
You feel like you have no energy. You feel anxious about your situation. Throughout the process, you want crack. However, because you chose a medical detox, you receive pharmacological support that takes the pain out of the equation.
Transition to Inpatient Rehab
Inpatient addiction treatment programs are the best option. Because they provide around-the-clock supervision, you’re far less likely to relapse. Moreover, you need to get out of the environment where you began smoking crack.
During detox, you break the physical dependency on the drug. In rehab, you learn why you used crack in the first place. Next, you find ways to deal with your reasons for using. For example, possible treatments include:
- Experiential therapy
- Coping skills development
- Psychotherapy
- Nutrition education
- Family therapy