Has your loved one’s behavior changed? Do you notice small things that add up to something being different? If you’re wondering if drugs or alcohol may be to blame, there are five distinct signs of addiction you shouldn’t ignore. Do you know what they are?
12 Months: The Length of Time Experts Evaluate When Looking for Signs of Addiction
Sure, you might have noticed drug paraphernalia in your home. However, if
your loved one is good at hiding drug use, experts suggest evaluating the
last year. Did he or she take prescriptions in an off-label manner or try to
quit using them unsuccessfully? Gradual declines in an individual’s ability
to meet responsibilities or pay bills are additional signs.
40 to 60% of Individuals with a Substance Abuse Problem Relapse at Some Point

Addiction is a chronic brain disease, and your loved one may have started using again after a time of sobriety. Just like asthma and Type I diabetes, there isn’t a cure for addiction. Rehab facilities help with treating the condition via a womens addiction treatment program or mens addiction treatment program. However, a significant percentage of individuals relapse, which means that they may once again use.
1 in 6 Develops an Addiction When Drug Use Starts in the Teen Years
If your loved one has had a troubled adolescent history with drug use, there’s a higher likelihood of adult substance abuse. The numbers change among adults. Only one in nine develops an addiction if drug use begins in adulthood. Experts base their understanding on studies involving cannabis.
7 Risk Factors Heighten the Likelihood of Someone’s Development of an Addiction
Mayo Clinic experts include a family history of substance abuse, concurrent mental health challenges, and peer pressure. Interestingly, being male is another risk factor. Although women tend to develop addiction more rapidly than men do, the latter are more likely to fall victim to the disease. Other risk factors include detached family connections, loneliness, and the consumption of addictive products.
21 to 29% of Pain Patients Abuse Opioid Painkillers
Your loved one may have received OxyContin or another painkiller because of a medical problem. If you notice that even though the condition is no longer active, he or she still takes the drug, opioid addiction may be at play. In fact, it’s even more likely if he or she increases the dose every so often. About a quarter of individuals with a valid prescription eventually develop an addiction.
Get Your Loved One the Help He or She Needs for These Signs of Addiction
No matter whether your loved one relapsed or developed a recent drug addiction, there’s help available. Your loved one doesn’t have to continue suffering. At Silver Pines Treatment Center, therapists routinely work with individuals who need assistance with overcoming a substance abuse problem. Examples of treatments include:Â
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy
- Detox Programs
- Dual diagnosis Treatment
- Trauma Therapy
- Individual therapy
- Family Therapy
- Group Therapy
Call 267.209.7313 today for more information.