What Is Flakka?

What Are the Immediate Effects of Flakka?
As with any designer drug, the immediate effects are what users gravitate towards. This synthetic drug mimics the effects of cocaine and methamphetamine but is turned up to eleven. People can enter a state of excited delirium, feel euphoric and hyperactive, and possess heightened alertness. Additionally, they experience:
- Aggressive Behaviors
- Rapid Heart Rate
- Inhibition Loss
- Increased Strength
- Panic Attacks
- Raised Body Temperature
Flakka affects your brain by overstimulating different areas tied to your mood, alertness, and behaviors. Moderate doses can induce mild hallucinations. However, if the users fall into patterns of drug abuse, the long-term effects on your brain chemistry and your body can prove catastrophic.
What Are the Long-Term Effects of Flakka?
Flakka can have a wide range of long-lasting effects on your body and brain that you did not expect when you first started taking the drug. Physical issues such as muscle damage, kidney failure, liver failure, and heart attacks are some of the most common. From a mental perspective, they can expect severe paranoia, mental illness, suicidal thoughts, and more as a result of prolonged use. Prolonged flakka use impedes our ability to process specific transporter proteins in the brain, flooding your head with increased levels of dopamine and serotonin — the two main substances tied to our internal reward center.
As these chemicals overload our senses, flakka becomes directly associated with feelings of pleasure and happiness that can prove fleeting in our daily lives. Since our bodies can quickly build a tolerance, people need higher doses to achieve the same high, leading to higher addiction rates and overdoses.