Dabs: What Are They?

What Is A Dab Pen?
Why People Smoke Dab Pens
As mentioned earlier, people primarily smoke dabs pens because of their convenience and sleek format. However, there are many other reasons that people choose to smoke dab pens over traditional marijuana.
Firstly, dab pens don’t produce any odor or smoke. Individuals could, theoretically, smoke dab pens in public without being noticed or reprimanded. They are also very easy to store and hide, which makes them a hot commodity among teenagers and students who are trying to conceal their drug use.
Side Effects of Smoking Dab Pens
While dab pens have their benefits, they also come with their fair share of risks. Primarily, you never know exactly what you’re consuming when you smoke a dab pen. The oil in these cartridges may contain unknown additives and toxins that can lead to serious health complications.
Additionally, dab pens may cause side effects during or after use. Symptoms may include rapid heartbeat, possible blackouts, a crawling sensation in the skin, and paranoia.
Is It Dangerous to Use Dab Pens?
Yes, dab pens are dangerous. Because they have a higher concentration of THC than regular marijuana, they come with a higher chance of increased tolerance and withdrawal. Dab pens may also increase someone’s chances of developing lung-related illnesses.
However, there is not enough specific research to back up whether or not dab pens are safe or dangerous to use. Because of the lack of research, it’s recommended that individuals stop using dab pens or consider alternatives.
Alternatives to Dab Pens
Many individuals who use dab pens may not be able to legally consume marijuana. However, for those who use dab pens as a form of treatment or medicine, traditional marijuana may be a better alternative. With traditional cannabis, patients have a better understanding of what is going into their bodies.
There are currently no other alternatives to dab pens. However, there is continuously more research being done to learn about the effects of cannabis and other marijuana products. To learn more about dab pens and other popular marijuana products, contact our team of substance abuse specialists by calling 267.209.7313.