Addiction Detox Information

Addiction Detox Information

What Is Alcohol Detox?
Alcohol detox is a phase of alcohol addiction rehabilitation. Generally speaking, in rehab for alcoholism, there are two phases.
The first phase is detox. This phase has to occur in order for you to fully recover from addiction to alcohol. During this time, a team of medical professionals will monitor your vital signs, and their nursing staff will ensure that you are kept comfortable while your body rids itself of harmful toxins.
As soon as you enter detox, you’ll no longer use alcohol or any other substances. Detoxification facilities are strictly drug-free. With that said, in some cases, your detox medical staff may administer some non-addictive medications. These medications will help to quell the alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
What Is Alcohol Withdrawal?
Alcohol withdrawal occurs during detox. Essentially, alcohol withdrawal happens when someone who has been using alcohol to excess for a long period abruptly stops drinking.
Alcohol induces withdrawal symptoms after an abrupt cessation because your body is physically and psychologically dependent on it. Physical and chemical dependency only occurs after a person has been abusing alcohol for an extended period. Dependence is your body adapting to a substance.
By the time alcohol dependence sets in, the body has is used to having alcohol in its system. When it doesn’t have alcohol in its system, it essentially rebels, which means that it causes you to feel pain and discomfort. Withdrawal is the result of this discomfort. Different substances have different symptoms of withdrawal.
What Are Common Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms?
- Fever
- Stomach issues, including nausea and vomiting
- Sweating
- Fatigue and insomnia
In extreme cases, patients may experience hallucinations, coma or even death. Again, it’s important to note that only professional alcohol detox can help you reduce these withdrawal and detox symptoms and sometimes even eliminate them.
Of course, finding a high-quality detox location for can be a struggle. When you’re trying to deal with an addiction, it’s not easy to also do your own research on finding a treatment center that will be right for you.
At Silver Pines Treatment Center, We’re Here to Help
Silver Pines Treatment Center offers exceptional alcoholism treatment. Our facility offers complete privacy and allows you to “get away from it all” during your detox.
In addition, we cater all of our addiction treatment programs to the individual. We believe in a holistic approach to drug and alcohol rehab, which means that we treat the whole person. Once you tell us what you’re looking for in a treatment program, we’ll help you create a plan that’s just for you.
Stop letting alcoholism run your life. Call Silver Pines Treatment Center at 267.209.7313 to learn about your options.
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