Are you asking, “what is chronic pain syndrome”? When you feel pain, your body is normally reacting to an injury or an illness. The pain lessens as your body heals, and you start to feel better. However, if you have chronic pain syndrome, you may continue to hurt long after your injury or illness is gone. Eventually, chronic pain syndrome may turn into psychological or physical trauma. Trauma therapy in Mahanoy City PAÂ is available if you are suffering from chronic pain syndrome that has led to an addiction. A treatment center can provide professional help and support so that you can overcome both your physical condition and your addiction.
What is Chronic Pain Syndrome?
The causes of this can vary from person to person. Some of the most common causes may include:
- Arthritis, joint, or muscle problems
- Back or neck pain
- Ongoing headaches or migraines
- Repetitive movement or stress over a long period
- Nerve damage due to an injury
- A terminal illness such as cancer

Other symptoms may include Fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, Acid reflux, ulcers, Endometriosis, or complications from surgery. Regardless of the causes, you can get the holistic therapy treatment you need to manage your chronic pain and your addiction.
Symptoms of Chronic Pain Syndrome
There are multiple symptoms that may include:
- Anxiety & depression
- Lack of sleep or too much sleep
- Feeling fatigued all the time
- Irritability, fear, or paranoia
- Drug or alcohol addiction or dependency
- Suicidal thoughts
Chronic Pain and Substance Abuse
It is not uncommon for people with chronic pain syndrome to turn to alcohol or drugs for relief. You may have developed a dependency on opioids or pain killers. Or, you may have turned to alcohol, marijuana, or other illicit drugs to cope with the pain.
However, over time, drugs and alcohol can make your condition worse. Eventually, your addiction will lead to other health problems while weakening your body.
Treatment for Chronic Pain
While the core of your problem is your physical pain, trauma therapy helps you address the psychological aspects or any related addiction. There are several types of treatment available such as dual diagnostic, cognitive behavioral therapy or dialectical behavioral therapy .
You may also want to look at individual, group, or family therapy , as well as holistic options. A treatment specialist can help diagnose your condition and find the right treatment.
Contact Silver Pines Treatment Center Today
If you are looking for treatment for chronic pain syndrome, then contact Silver Pines Treatment Center. We offer a wide range of treatments specifically designed to help you overcome both your syndrome and your addiction. Call us today at 267.209.7313 to find out more about what options are available to you and learn what is chronic pain syndrome.