Each recreational drug can be broken down into one of four major categories.
Whether someone is for or against the use of recreational drugs, it’s important to know the facts before making a decision or using judgement.
Think about it: hundreds of drugs exist in the universe right now…and some of us can’t name ten of them. Drugs are often categorized into one huge pool – when in reality, they can actually be separated into four small puddles.
The Main Types of Drugs
All of the drugs out there all roughly fit into one of four major groups: stimulants, opium-related painkillers, hallucinogens, and depressants. The category a drug falls in is primarily based on its effects.
While some drugs may not fit exactly in any of the groups, these categories are currently the clearest and most accurate way to separate them. Here’s a little more about each of the four:
Otherwise known as “uppers,” stimulants are designed to increase activity in the body. They make the user feel energetic, alert, talkative, and active. Types of stimulants include:
- Cocaine
- Meth
- Crack
- Amphetamine
- And more
Opium-Related Painkillers
Opioids cover a wide range, from prescription painkillers to notorious narcotics. Examples include:
- Heroin
- Opium
- Codeine
- Oxycodone
- Fentanyl
These are probably the easiest group to explain — simply put, hallucinogens cause hallucinations; but they also do a lot more than that. Some other hallucinogen effects include:
- Detachment
- Mood swings
- Altered sense of space & time
- Illusions
- Sense of insight
- Mystical & religious experiences
In opposition to stimulants, depressants are known as “downers.” Not because they make you feel sad, necessarily, but because they help people calm down and let loose. These types of drugs may cause:
- Sleep and drowsiness
- Relaxed or mellow state
- Possible adverse effects: anxiety & aggression
- Addiction
An Overview on Recreational Drugs
If you are ever learning about a new type of drug, consider what category it might fall into. Dividing your findings into groups will help you discover more about its purpose, effects, and possible dangers.
Having information about different types of drugs will not only make you knowledgeable about a scientific topic, but it can also help prepare people to make responsible decisions if ever faced with a drug they are not immediately familiar with.
To learn more about the different kinds of drugs and their respective groups, contact our team of medical professionals here or give us a call at 267.209.7313.