What Is Opium?
Opium is a depressant narcotic drug that is available in both natural and synthetic forms. It naturally comes from the seed pod of an opium poppy and usually looks like a yellow or brown latex or gummy substance. Natural forms of opium include morphine and codeine, while synthetic forms include fentanyl, methadone, and oxycodone. The drug can be manufactured into a powder, liquid tincture, or pill and can be smoked or taken orally.
When sold illegally, opium is sometimes called Aunti, Aunti Emma, Big O, O, Black pill, Chandu, Chinese Molasses, Dopium, Dream Gun, Fi-Do-Nie, Gee, Guma, Midnight Oil, or Zero. This extremely addictive drug works by slowing down messages between the brain and body.
Opium’s History

Why Do People Use Opium?
Short-Term Effects of Opium
The short-term effects of opium vary depending on an individual’s age, weight, history with opium, and more. However, there are some general effects that occur pretty quickly. Some short-term effects of opium use may include:
- Relaxation
- Euphoria
- Shallow breather
- Lower heart rate
- Impaired reflexes
- Constipation
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea or vomiting
- Itchy skin or skin rash
- Hives or welts
While some of these symptoms may not be pleasant, they are not typically life-threatening. If you experience any prolonged rashes or welts, however, it’s recommended to contact a doctor as soon as possible. With extended or frequent use, opium may cause addiction and other severe effects.
Opium Risks and Warnings
Preventing Opium Abuse
Opium should only be used according to prescription for chronic pain. If you experience any negative side effects, talk to your doctor about possible alternatives.
Opium has the potential to be very dangerous when misused or not used according to dosage. To learn more about more short-term and some long-term side effects of opium use, contact our team of substance use and abuse treatment professionals by calling 267.209.7313.