National Drug Takeback Day in 2019

National Drug Takeback Day in 2019

Millions of people content with prescription drug addiction and far too many die from overdoses. Part of the problem stems from all of the outdated prescriptions that sit around in people’s homes. It makes it easy for people to grab what they feel like they need. National Drug Takeback Day in 2019 is one way you can help solve the problem before it turns lethal for someone in your life.

How Does National Drug Takeback Day in 2019 Work?

National Drug Takeback Day 2019 is almost a misnomer since it actually happens two times every year. There’s a takeback every spring and fall. The way it works is that designated sites set up temporary collection centers where you safely offload your old prescriptions. The 2019 spring takeback day will happen April 27.
National Drug Takeback Day 2019 at Silver Pines

Will National Drug Takeback Day in 2019 Accomplish Anything?

Since collecting prescription drugs is the goal of takeback days, they do accomplish their goal. In just the last few years, millions of pounds of old prescription drugs found their way into the collection centers.

Overdose Deaths

Each year sees more than 70,000 overdose deaths just in the United States. Prescription opioids and benzodiazepines account for more than 28,000 of those deaths. Takeback days aren’t a solution for overdose deaths, but they make it a little harder for prescription drugs to take lives.


You might find takeback days as something of a temptation to give going cold turkey a try. It’s not a great idea and can potentially end badly. Unmanaged withdrawal can leave you hallucinating or experiencing seizures. Moving through withdrawal safely takes the help of medical professionals.
Look for a rehab program with experience in prescription drug withdrawal and medication-assisted treatments. That’s your best option for getting through the first few days of withdrawal with the least amount of personal pain and fewest medical side effects.
Next, you’ll want a rehab center with a solid residential program. Of all the rehab program options, inpatient programs get the best long-term outcomes in terms of stable recovery. They can also help manage your tapering program if the detox center started you on one. Residential rehab provides intensive treatments with multiple therapies for National Drug Takeback Day, such as:

National Drug Takeback Day at Silver Pines Treatment Center

Silver Pines Treatment Center serves as a drug and alcohol treatment center near Hazleton, PA. Silver Pines maintains a dedicated prescription drug addiction treatment program.
Prescription drug addiction poses a threat not only to your health but also your life. Don’t let addiction make you part of the overdose death statistics. Seek help from a high-quality rehab center. Call 267.209.7313 and find out how Silver Pines Treatment Center can assist you in starting your recovery.
Overcome your addiction today with the help of one of the best addiction rehab centers in the U.S. We are in-network with most major insurance companies.
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