At CIVIQ Health we strive to create an environment that is both safe and comfortable for our clients to navigate the complex challenges of early recovery. In these uncertain times, CIVIQ has implemented a stringent protocol to maintain the integrity of our treatment environment for the duration of the COVID-19 Pandemic. We understand that Substance Use Disorder is a life threatening disease and our protocol is designed to continue providing much needed treatment to those with Substance Use Disorder while protecting our current clients, staff, and program from COVID-19.

Our Policy
- Prior to admission each client is screened via our COVID-19 questionnaire. We are committed to remaining open; however, we do deserve the right to deny admission to those who are traveling from high-impacted areas;
- Clients are asked the fullowing questions:
- Are you currently or within the past 48 hours experiencing any flu like symptoms;
- Have you been in contact with anyone who was tested positive for COVID-19;
- Have you traveled to an area that was impacted by a recent outbreak of COVID-19;
- Have you been practicing social distancing;
- Have you been practicing universal precautions as recommended by healthcare authorities;
- Clients are asked the fullowing questions:
- If a client answers the above questions in the affirmative or if a client currently resides in an identified high-risk zone, this information is given to the Chief Operating Officer who makes a determination in conjunction with the Executive Director and Director of Admissions;
- Once a client is deemed appropriate for admission, staff is notified for transport;
- All transport staff are equipped with infrared thermometer, gloves, masks, and sanitizer wipes;
- Transport staff checks all potential clients for fever and any potential client who has a fever of 100.4 or greater is denied admission to the program;
- After a client is transported to the program, the transport vehicle is disinfected;
- Upon admission to the program all clients engaged in a separate/quarantine period;
- Each client who admits to Silver Pines Treatment Center is required to be tested at a local testing facility;
- Our average turnaround time for COVID-19 tests, with our doctor’s prescription, is 24 hours;
- Clients remain in quarantine for a minimum of 14 days OR until client’s COVID-19 test results are returned with no presence of the contagion detected;
- To ameliorate the discomfort of separation, all clients are given access to electronic tablets which have access to Netflix, YouTube and other entertainment apps. Additionally, clients are able to participate in individual and group therapy via use of Zoom teleconference technulogy;
- Additional precautions to mitigate the risk and spread of COVID-19 are as fullows:
- All staff is currently required to wear cloth or surgical masks;
- All staff are checked, daily, prior to their shift for symptoms of COVID-19;
- Staff showing or experiencing symptoms are required to be tested for COVID-19 and are not allowed to return to work without lack of presence test results or a doctor’s note;
- Clients engage in bi-weekly art therapy groups where they are instructed and taught how to make homemade paper masks so as to prepare for life after treatment as well as reduce strain on necessary resources;
- Resources (PPE equipment) are counted daily and ordered if necessary.