About ADHD and Addiction

Addiction and ADHD Awareness Month October 2018
If you suffer drug or alcohol addiction, or even just substance abuse without addiction yet, take advantage of the help right in front of you. For ADHD Awareness Month October 2018, honor yourself by getting help for both your drug or alcohol abuse and your ADHD. This treatment is available for any substance, including Adderall addiction rehab .
Even if you face uncertainty about whether you suffer ADHD or another mental condition, do not fear treatment. Instead, dual diagnosis rehab offers you the best chance to learn about your mental health and what conditions you face. In this type of rehab, you gain treatment for your mental condition and addiction at the same time. Only through this type of same-time, same-place rehab can you gain lasting recovery from both ADHD and addiction.
Enter Rehab Treatment in Hazleton, PA
October is just around the corner, even if you find this story in another month or year in the future, after 2018. When you suffer addiction and a mental condition, time flies as you waste your days seeking and using alcohol or drugs. You deserve a better life, one with healing and hope for lasting recovery. For example, treatment methods and therapies you need include:
- Residential rehab
- Dual diagnosis treatments
- Holistic therapies and approach
- Nutrition, fitness, and outdoor activities
- Aftercare program
- Individual, group, and family therapy
- Relapse prevention
In Hazleton, PA, you find these therapies and treatments at Silver Pines Treatment Center. Call Silver Pines Treatment Center now at 267.209.7313 for more information. Learn more about ADHD Awareness Month October 2018 and how rehab can change your life.