Quitting drinking or using and drugs is no easy feat. The first few days and weeks of recovery are some of the most difficult between withdrawal symptoms, cravings, and the nagging voice in the back of your head telling you that you can have “just one more.”
Once you make it through the first few months, learning to live sober while avoiding addiction relapse is the next half of the battle. No matter how much time you have away from substances, the next drink or drug is only a phone call or car ride away. Developing some remaining sober and avoiding the dangerous cycle of recovery and relapse is the best thing you can do.
The following seven tips are a great way to keep yourself safe from addiction relapse as you build your new sober life.
1. Start with an individualized treatment program

2. Stick to your aftercare plan
3. Find a support group or 12-step meeting following treatment
4. Surround yourself with supportive loved ones
5. Find some hobbies or get back to the ones you used to enjoy
6. Incorporate exercise and nutrition
7. Make use of practices like mindfulness and journaling
Mindfulness is an important concept for anyone to learn, but it’s especially important for those learning to live life without relying on alcohol or drugs. Journaling is another useful tool you can incorporate into your weeks to track your thoughts, feelings, and progress along the way.
Ultimately, starting with an addiction treatment program like Silver Pines is the best way to approach recovery and limit the likelihood of addiction relapse. If you’d like to learn more about the programs we offer at Silver Pines, reach out to us at 866-345-2147 or submit an online contact form today.