It’s the holiday season and for most this is a time of excitement, joy, and love. But for others, particularly those in sobriety, this can be the most challenging and stressful time of the year. Thanksgiving through New Years day there are so many stressors present. Whether it’s personal, financial, emotional, or physical stressors this is the time of the year that can really test your sobriety. Whether you have a few days, months, or even years of sobriety this challenge is real. So how do you deal with the stress of the holiday season? Do you skip the family meal in hope to not be questioned by your aunts and uncles? Do you lock yourself in your bedroom until January 2nd hoping to skip the holidays altogether? Or do you take this challenge head on and begin to heal and celebrate with those close to you?
The Holiday season is about traditions and families. Although it may be hard, especially if you have bad memories or suffered loss that causes holidays to be emotional, there are ways to make it through and maintain your sobriety. The biggest challenge will be to remember that you are the most important person in your life right now and your sobriety comes first.
Volunteer at a soup kitchen or church
Holiday Movie night
12 Step meeting celebrations
Sober Ball for New Years Eve
New Years Eve is about partying and celebrating. This typically comes with alcohol. Start a new tradition. Invite friends and family to a themed ball at your favorite spot (or you could even rent a hall as a group) and enjoy some alcohol free beverages and music. The party isn’t about the alcohol present its about the company you share it with. Have fun with it and make it a themed night. Break out the music and costumes or dresses and enjoy a night that you will be able to remember the next day!
These are just a few ideas to help enjoy the holidays and maintain your sobriety. Please remember that you need to take care of yourself in order to be there for those you love. If the Holiday season tends to be a trigger for you or too much for you to handle reach out for help. There are meetings at all hours of the day and even online. If you feel the need to attend a family party or a gathering with your co workers where you know there will be alcohol present, have an exit strategy prior to attending or better yet take a buddy with you that can support you through the night. Reach out to your friends and family and tell them what is going on. Communication will go a long way. Finally, my last tip for you, remember HALT; watch yourself so you don’t get Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired. Get plenty of rest, meditate when possible, exercise when feeling stressed out, and watch what you eat.
Make sure you take care of yourself this holiday season and don’t forget what the real meaning of the holidays are.