How to Convince Someone to Go to Rehab

How to Convince Someone to Go to Rehab

It can be very difficult for individuals with a substance abuse disorder to acknowledge and admit that they are dependent on drugs or alcohol. Even if they are aware of their addiction, a person with a substance abuse problem may resist getting treatment for several reasons. They may not feel like it could benefit them, or they might be scared of going through withdrawal. Regardless of the reason, it is common for individuals who need rehab to push back on the idea at first.
But sometimes, what a person needs is a strong support system to take that next step and get the help they need. Keep reading to learn how to convince someone you love that it might be time to go to rehab.

Signs That Someone May Need Rehab

Before convincing a loved one that they need to go to rehab, it’s important to know the signs and know the right time to approach the issue.
If you tell someone that they have a substance abuse issue when they don’t or if you approach the problem in an unproductive way, they may become defensive and it could have negative effects on your relationship.
If someone displays any of the behaviors below, they are probably struggling from a substance abuse disorder and could benefit from receiving rehabilitation. Here are some signs that someone may need rehab:
  • Substances like drugs or alcohol are negatively affecting their life.
  • Their physical or mental health is suffering due to alcohol or illicit drugs.
  • They have an increasingly high tolerance and take more of a substance to feel effects.
  • They have made finding, buying, and consuming substances their top priorities.
  • They show signs of alcohol or drug addiction like lack of control, being unable to quit, lack of responsibility, problems with relationships, and dangerous use.
Of course, these are not the only signs that someone might be addicted to a substance like drugs or alcohol. If you’re questioning whether or not someone you love has a substance issue, the chances are that they probably do. If addiction is not treated, it will get worse over time.
Even if someone knows they have an addiction and want to get sober, it is very hard to do it all on their own – and that is exactly why inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation programs exist.

Benefits of A Rehabilitation Program

Rehabilitation programs are designed to help individuals develop the tools they need to get and stay sober. It will allow them to eliminate their physical dependence while they address any concerns that may have led to their addiction. The overall mission of rehab is to assist people with addictions as they change the way they think, feel, and behave.
When someone is enrolled in a rehab program, they have access to regular care and medical support if needed. Patients will receive treatment in a comfortable and drug-free environment that celebrates routine, structure, and mutual support. Individuals, whether they are in an inpatient (residential) or outpatient (nonresidential) treatment, will be given the opportunity to focus on improving their health and building better habits in a positive atmosphere. There will always be a community of people surrounding them who understand their condition and want to help them live happy and healthy lives.
Overall, individuals who attend rehab for a substance abuse addiction are more likely to see success in sobriety than those who don’t. But for someone to start a rehabilitation program, they have to make that decision. How can we, as loved ones, help them get to that next step?

8 Ways to Convince Someone to Go to Rehab

Trying to get someone to enroll in a rehabilitation program is not easy, but it is definitely worth it for them to receive the help they need. Here are 8 ways to convince someone to go to rehab:
  • Pick a comfortable place to calmly discuss the issue with them one-on-one.
  • Tell them how much you love and care for them. Do not point fingers or place blame.
  • Ask them open-ended questions about how they feel and show empathy.
  • Be upfront and honest with them about your concerns.
  • Encourage them to take responsibility for their actions.
  • If a one-on-one approach doesn’t work, try a group approach.
  • Consider a professional intervention with an addiction specialist.
  • Enlist help from your loved one’s doctor or psychologist.
The key thing to remember is that you don’t have to do this on your own. You should set boundaries to ensure that you are not dedicating all your time to taking care of someone else. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed by trying to help someone with an alcohol or drug addiction, it’s important to take care of yourself first. If you’re not properly taking care of your own mental health, how will you be properly equipped to help someone else? If you have a relative or loved one with a substance abuse disorder, you might want to consider getting help from a therapist yourself or looking into support groups for families of people with addictions.
Even if someone you love agrees to go to rehab after you discuss the issue with them, there is still a long way to go. This may just be the beginning of their sobriety journey, but it is a necessary first step for them to take. If your loved one is suffering from a substance abuse disorder and you’d like to know how to approach them about the issues, contact our team of alcohol and drug addiction treatment specialists by calling 267.209.7313.
Overcome your addiction today with the help of one of the best addiction rehab centers in the U.S. We are in-network with most major insurance companies.

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