Addiction’s Effect on One’s Life

- Have problems at work or school
- Lose their job
- Experience financial issues
- Cause more arguments
- Have difficulty with social situations and relationships
How Drug Addiction Can Impact Relationships
What to Expect When Dating A Drug Addict
- Extreme emotional ups and downs
- Dependence – using the non-addicted partner as a shield
- More frequent arguments or infidelity
- Manipulation
- Defensiveness, denial, and lying
- Fight or flight responses
Should You Stay Or Go?
So should you keep fighting the addiction by their side, or has the relationship harmed you to the point where leaving would be best? Making this decision can be difficult, and you probably have many questions running through your head:
Is it my fault?
Will it get worse if I leave?
What if something happens after I leave?
These questions will do no good for you. Always remember that the situation is never your fault, and you are not responsible for anything that occurs if you leave to work on your own wellbeing.
Some more beneficial questions to ask yourself when considering ending a relationship with an addict may be:
Do I keep covering for them with work, friends, and family?
Are our arguments usually centered around drug use?
Will thinking positively really fix anything?
If you are getting answers you’re unhappy with or aren’t able to cope with a partner’s drug use, it may be time to leave the situation. While you may think this can cause more harm than good, ending an unhealthy relationship will eventually leave both parties better off.
People with drug addictions are not able to make complete healthy decisions; but you can by ending a harmful relationship.
Ending Relationships Carefully & Constructively
- Make sure they’re safe and have another support system
- Be firm with your decision. Stick with it & cut all ties if you’re ending it
- Consider your own safety & make sure you have someone to talk to