How Should Pupils React to Light While Sober?

What Happens to Pupil Dilation?
Whether it’s a few drinks or a hit of something, your body undergoes a wide range of physical, emotional, and chemical reactions—one of those deals directly with your eyes and their response to light. Everyone who has received an eye exam knows that your eye doctor will flash a light into your eyes to gauge your pupil’s response and sensitivity to light.
Under normal conditions, your eyes have a quick reaction time and retract when exposed to direct light. However, your pupils become noticeably more sluggish when you’re under the influence of drugs or alcohol. They will eventually contract like they normally would, but the response is often much slower, providing you with a clear indication of a narcotic or alcoholic substance at work.
Do Various Substances Affect Eyes Differently?
LSD and Mushrooms
Get the Support You Need From a Trusted Drug Treatment Center in Mahanoy, City, PA
Whether you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, knowing how to identify the signs of substance abuse is crucial. When it comes to substances like beer, liquor, and psychedelics, dilated pupils can be signs of drug and alcohol disorders requiring a dedicated treatment program. Silver Pines Treatment Center has helped countless patients that have struggled with substance abuse find their road to recovery and receive the support they need to continue moving forward.
If you or a loved one needs personalized addiction treatment services, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact our team at 267.209.7313 to learn more about our services and admissions process.